
Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm (MTFF)

Melaka Tropical Fruit Farm (MTFF)

The farm is located in Sungai Udang on 70 hectares of land. Visitors can choose and purchased from hundreds of species of tropical fruits such as ciku, cempedak, belimbing, Longan, kedondong, pandan coconuts, as well as vegetables, flowers, plants and herbs. The farm is also home to animal such as Bali cows, ostriches, camels, deer and rabbits. Facilities available include a cafe, camp site as well as conference rooms, hostels and chalets. 

D/A Pusat Latihan Pertanian Sungai  Udang, 75400 Sungai Udang, Melaka. 
Phone : 06 - 351 6916
9.00am - 6.00pm Daily 

Tourism Promotion Division
Chief Minister of Melaka

Lot G-14, Kota Cemerlang,
75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka
Phone: +6 06-232 8402